A small update focussing around the fantastic-cli module and some quality of life tweaks to the UI. This has been taking a while because I’ve been shifting some focus over towards What2Log which is another very interesting InfoSec Innovations project. However, development on Fantastic is very much still ongoing, we have plenty of cool new features and content to add in the future, so please keep an eye on it.


New commands:

  • npx fantastic-cli update [@version] will update an existing installation to the specified version, or @latest by default.
  • npx fantastic-cli install <package>[@version] will install and enable npm packages containing content modules, you can install multiple modules at a time, just like npm install. This should work for local paths too, if you’re working on your own content modules.
  • npx fantastic-cli uninstall <package> uninstall content modules.

We’ve also added a script to the init command that will automatically install Git for you if you don’t have it, as missing this dependency has been a fairly common issue.

Collapsible categories

Collapsible UI Items

As we add more content to Fantastic, it’s becoming clear that the current interface isn’t compact enough to support many more items, but we’re very far from the amount of stuff we’d like to include, and that’s not counting 3rd party content! To this end, I’ve implemented some foldouts to hide away the details of each item, and also groupings by module, which should become more useful when there are more modules. We’d love to know what you think of this new layout!

Fantastic editor

I haven’t made any changes to the editor itself, but I have set up the build process to provide a Windows executable so you don’t have to download the source code and run it in development mode! The built files will be uploaded to the GitHub releases.

Please let us know on Discord what you think of the new changes, and how you’re enjoying Fantastic so far!

EDIT 0.5.6 just adds a Discord link inside the client for your convenience!